In-home euthanasia
A quiet, peaceful farewell in the comfort of your home is the greatest gift for humans and animals alike.
Has the time come?
When you spend every day with a sick animal, it is sometimes difficult to take an objective view. When do I have to put my cat or dog to sleep? Will he or she get better again? The progression of chronic illnesses and old age is not linear. I can help you to evaluate your pet's quality of life and make the decision to euthanize (from the Greek word for “beautiful death”) at the right time.
The responsibility for the life of a beloved pet also goes hand in hand with the decision about a dignified death. There are no scientific lists to determine when this time will actually come. Together, we can find out what is right for you and your pet.
How is in-home euthanasia performed?
The dog or cat is usually given a sedation injection beforehand. This induces a deep anesthetia. If possible, we distract from the brief pain of the injection with food or petting. Another injection is then given under anesthesia, which the animal will of course no longer feel. Depending on the circumstances, this is administered via a venous catheter or into the abdomen. Your beloved pet will not feel any pain during this procedure.
You decide where your dog or cat would like to be bedded at this moment, because you know your pet best. This could be a favorite spot on the sofa, in the garden or in your arms, for example. I will leave plenty of time for all your wishes - be it a ritual, a particular song or anything else that is important to you.
What happens with my pet after their death?
After your beloved pet has been euthanized at home, you may bury it in your garden if you wish (please observe the legal regulations). There is also the option of cremation: with collective cremation, the ashes are buried in the crematorium; with individual cremation, you can have the ashes returned to you in an urn of your choice. I work together with Tierkrematorium Schweiz (you can find more information on their website). Alternatively, your pet's body can also be disposed of at the local authority.
Whichever option you choose, I will assist you with the organization and, if you wish, take your pet with me directly after the euthanasia appointment to follow through on your wishes for after your pet's death.
Do you have questions?
Please don't hesitate to contact me with your questions surrounding in-home euthanasia and all the emotions and decisions leading up to it. I know how hard it is to say good-bye, and I will do everything in my power to fulfil your wishes as well as your pet's.